Instead of a player or two stepping out of obscurity, the league's number one offense seemed to be slipping into it, and the Seahawks seemed poised to once again give away an important game, at home, and with the national media finally getting behind them again.
With the heavy cloud coverage and rain falling at Qwest for the first time since it was built, it appeared there might not be any Moonlight tonight, especially when Jimmy Williams turned the ball over deep in Seahawks territory trying to make something out of nothing on a punt return. But the Seahawks Defense really rose to the challenge set before them, and twice stuffed Dallas holding them to only 3 points, when Dallas could have salted the victory away with a TD.

All candidates for this week's Moonlight Graham Award were selected during the final 2:01 of the game.
Jerhemey Urban started it off with a 22 yard interception, the longest of his three catches for the day.
D.J. Hackett, seemed to be open all day, and would be a hands down winner of this award if Matt hadn't floated a couple of passes to him, also stepped up big on the final drive. His drew a pass interference call and grabbed a critical sidelines pass at the one to set up our third MGA nominee.
While the announcers incorrectly stated that it was the first TD of Ryan Hannam's career, it was a HUGE one nonetheless, and the type of play that gets a third-string tight end who is counted on more for his blocking ability, some notice.

And last but not least, there's Josh Brown, he of left upright doing fame and a tough loss to another NFC East opponent. But that wasn't to be today. I still remember the graphic from the Redskins game: "Josh Brown has yet to hit a game winning field goal."
Well in this cloud covered, rain soaked afternoon in Seattle, a little Moonlight did poke through, as his game winning kick sailed 50 yards straight through the uprights, and then his helmet sailed about another 30 after he ripped it off and threw it in exuberant celebration.
The Award could easily go to all of these guys, but his isn't community soccer, so without minimizing their accomplishments, I gotta whittle down the contestants.
Babineaux and Urban already have won, and Josh Brown can't be considered an "obscure" kicker (Washington game excluded) and D.J. Hackett should have made a few catches that he didn't earlier in the game.

Put on some sunscreen Mr. Hannam, because with the bye week coming up, you'll have two weeks to bask in the glow of your Moonlight Graham Award!